Notes from the RCL
NOTES OF JUNE 24, 2013 RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Printable version: RCL BOS 6-24-13 Meeting Notes Present: Selectmen Jenness, Musselman and Mills. Also present: Michael Magnant, Police Chief Kevin Walsh (sitting at the Selectmen’s table during discussion of Jenness Beach District issues)            Editor’s […]
NH Seacoast Greenway: Construction for the first phase of NHSG (Hampton-Portsmouth 26485) is now underway with a projected completion date of October 2024. Construction began in April at the Hampton-North Hampton town line and is proceeding northward in 2500’ segments. As of late July construction is happening just south of Breakfast Hill Road in Greenland. […]
Here is the complete proposed budget RyeProposedBudgetFY14 We invest more in our Schools then we do on Town Services, so this budget should get a good proportion of your attention. Here is how you can keep your self informed and involved in this process this year:  September/October Administrators create budget with staff input October / […]