Planning Board Town Meetings uncategorized

RCL Land Use Regulations Update Summary March 2019

LPR Public Meeting (Master Plan) and (Land Development Regulations) updates Summary:  Beginning in October 2018, the LPR committee has been meeting on a monthly basis (sometimes twice).  Until recently, it was difficult for the editorial board of the Rye Civic League to provide a summary from the meeting minutes, as those were “buried†with old […]

Budget Committee Town Meetings uncategorized

RCL Notes on 2019 Tax Rate and Budget Committee meetings

Tax rate setting video: Click Here SUMMARY OF TAX RATE SETTING MEETING   1.  The tax rate set on 11/12/18 was flat at $10.11 for the total of town, school and county taxes (i.e. excluding districts).   2.  The town tax rate was up $.16 and the school rate down $.16.  About half of the […]


Doucments for December 2018 Civic News

CIP priorities 2018 Town of Rye Budget Process for 2019-20 Rye is lacking in planning leadership 19 October 2018 2019-1 GIS MAP 2019-2 GIS MAP ZBA Case #40 #41 2018 ZBA Case #50 2018 ZBA Case #42 2018 ZBA Case #38 2018 Rehearing ZBA Case #49 2018 Back Ground for Zoning Amendment – 2019-03 11-12-18 […]


Files for October 2018 Civic News

Resident’s summary of VosevTrial Rye Public Library Minutes Public Session September 13 RWD Letter to Select Board 5 Sept 18 9-10-18 Resident Letters on Parking NHMA Legislative Policy Input Summary Select Board PB Case #06-2018 ZBA Case #29-2018′ ZBA Case #20 2018 M. Donvan’s Letter about Continuance 120 Bracket Sept 18 RyePBReCellTower092518 BOA NOD 9-4-18 […]