LPR Public Meeting (Master Plan) and (Land Development Regulations) updates
Summary: Beginning in October 2018, the
LPR committee has been meeting on a monthly basis (sometimes twice). Until recently, it was difficult for the
editorial board of the Rye Civic League to provide a summary from the meeting
minutes, as those were “buried†with old minutes (from 2016). As the meeting minutes of the LPR meetings
have recently “surfaced†the RCL is filling a gap by summarizing – meeting by
meeting – key points of the LDR updates.
October 3, 2018, LRP meeting minutes summary.
Julie Labranche, from the Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC) is assisting the Planning Board to completely rewrite the Land Development Regulations (LDR). [At the BOS July 23rd, 2018 meeting, the Selectmen approved the budget for the rewrite allocating up to $ 2,000 for public outreach and a workshop].
In conjunction, Julie Labranche is conducting an audit and working with DPW, Dennis McCarthy, to update regulations for stormwater management, erosion/sediment control and illicit discharge. She is working with Dennis McCarthy on the MS-4.
Julie Labranche stated that the current LDR is very outdated and the application process very complicated.
General discussion regarding the current LDR and that members should go through the LDR and flag areas that need to be changed as a starting point for this update.
There was discussion about educating members of the Planning Board regarding the MS-4 Permit and the New Regulations. Julie Labranche has drafted a proposed zoning amendment regarding the MS-4 Permit/new regulations, which she will submit to Kim Reed
December 17, 2018, LRP meeting minutes summary.
Julie Labranche stated that the current LDR does not follow statutes.
Section 201 Categories of Land Developments were reviewed, including 201. 1 Subdivision and 201.2 Site Plan Review Developments.
January 10, 2019, LRP meeting minutes summary.
Julie Labranche was not in attendance. Minor changes were made by members regarding:
Section 200 GENERAL minor changes made mostly regarding font size.
Section 300 GENERAL. Review of Article III: Application procedures and submission requirements.
January 23, 2019, LPR meeting minutes summary.
Per Kim Reed statement, many areas in the Rye Zoning Ordinance should require a special use permit and/or conditional use permit application to the Planning Board. A new section in the LDR should be added to that effect.
Julie Labranche stated that she collapsed section 300 and 400 into one section.
Discussion regarding MS4 and the IDDE Ordinance, which was discussed at the January Planning Board meeting and failed to be moved to a warrant article. Julie Labranche stated that it belongs in the Rye Zoning Ordinance, and not the LDR.
Julie Labranche is planning to add a section to the LDR regarding a section on street lighting, landscaping, and complete streets.
What should be included in the LDR regarding landscaping was part of the discussion but no specifics provided.
A draft of complete street standards is provided with the minutes.
A model ordinance for Outdoor Lighting is provided with the minutes.
February 6, 2018, LRP meeting minutes summary.
Julie Labranche was not in attendance and members discussed different topics regarding the updates of the LDR.
A draft with landscaping and screening standards under Section 1 General Provisions is provided with the minutes.
A landscaping standard survey is provided with the minutes.
A draft with the Complete Streets Standards is provided with the minutes.
March 6, 2018, LRP meeting minutes summary.
Julie Labranche is adding a new section to the LDR called “Climate Adaptation and Resilience Standards†– a draft is provided with the minutes.
Discussion regarding this new section was discussed during meeting.