
RCL February 12, 2018 BOS Meeting Notes

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes021218revBfinal A resident expressed disappointment at the late disclosure of the fact that, if the Town were to purchase the property, the TD Bank building could not be used by any financial institution for five years. Following inspection, only a few minor problems were noted with the TD Bank building. Non-union employees […]


Heritage March 1, 2018 Meeting notes

Click Here for video:  Numbers are times, so you can fast forward to that part of the discussion The Rye Heritage Commission met on March 1, 2108 The plan for two informational sessions to be held at the Rye Public Library on March 5th at 6:30 pm and March 8th at 3 pm was finalized […]

Town Events uncategorized

Pre-Deliberative Meeting Note from the Town Moderator January 31, 2018

   The 2018 Rye Deliberative Session will be held on Saturday, February 3rd, at 9:00 a.m., at Rye Junior High School. The snow date is February 10th, same time and place. As an added incentive for parents of young children to attend, the Rye Recreation Department is offering FREE CHILD CARE for kids aged 4 or older, right at RJH […]


RCL Feb. 2018 Civic News Supporting Documents

Resident Objections to proposed Bracket Rd. Cell Tower Resident Objections to proposed Bracket Rd. Cell Tower 2018.01.23 Obj to Mot for Reconsideration Rye Civic News January 2018 from the RCL Marden Woods Image Rye School Draft Minutes 01-17-18 South Rd Notice of Decision:  421 South Rod Notice of Decision  


2018 RCL Election Support

My voting Sheet:  Rye 2018 My Voting Sheet Warrant Article Presentation – updated after the Deliberative Meeting:  RCL 2018 Warrant Articles Information March 4th Updated Warrant Article with TOC link:  RCL 2018 Warrant Articles Information TOC Short Table of Warrant Articles Yes No means..:  2018 RCL Warrant Article Table file PDF Updated Short table with Links:  2018 RCL Warrant Article […]


Rye Inflection Point?

RCL Monthly Meeting Agenda December Major Phases in Rye: 1600’s/1`700’s: fishing, farming, a few mills and some small cottage industries 1800’s: Regular coach service to Portsmouth means more Rye people working there and at ship yard starting 1800; 1840’s RR brings tourists and hotels, boarding houses, summer communities like Straws and Concord Point  and mansions for […]


November 2017 Tax Rate Information

2018 Draft Budget (as December, 2017):  Town Budget December 2018 Draft Tax Rate Explanation 2017 Tax Rate 2017 Details TaxRateSet History a)  Town wide thirteen (13%) increase in assessed values is why the tax rate is lower (click here for tax rate table).  Despite applying approximately $1.4 million (town and school) of prior year surplus money to keep […]