
Heritage March 1, 2018 Meeting notes

Click Here for video:  Numbers are times, so you can fast forward to that part of the discussion

The Rye Heritage Commission met on March 1, 2108

The plan for two informational sessions to be held at the Rye Public Library on March 5th at 6:30 pm and March 8th at 3 pm was finalized with the agenda:

Introductions:                                                   Beverly Giblin

Historical Perspective:                                   Mae Bradshaw

TD Bank/Town Government Needs:       Donna Decotis

Town Hall Building:                                          Representatives available for special questions

Budgetary Issues:                                            Peter Crawford

Grants and funding:                                        David Choate

Wind-up:                                                             Burt Dibble


Factual Handout for the informational sessions *determined by Craig Musselman, Selectmen’s Representative to be factually accurate 36.40

Determination for Town Counsel Michael Donovan that no legal impediment to town acquiring TD Bank, despite recent Esther Parsons correspondence, which was reviewed by town counsel.  39:18

Craig Musselman rebuts claims of John Loftus made in his articles and letters to the editor.  Musselman explains:

  • No Health Hazard at Rye Town Hall  52:50
  • No mold at Rye Town Hall 55:00
  • No need for code upgrade for Rye Town Hall except electrical 58:15
  • ADA compliance needs of Rye Town Hall primarily handicap bathroom on first floor 58:25
  • No need for steel reinforcement at Rye Town Hall unless major [more than 50%] renovation 59:44
  • No significant problem with foundation 1:00:20