Commission Mtgs Conservation Commission

RCL Conservation Commission January 15, 2015 Notes and Time stamps

Conservation committee meeting    1/15/15 Present: Sally King chair, Jaci Grote, Suzanne Mc Farland, Jim Raynes, Peter C – one of the 3 remaining members was not present but I don’t know them – Jeff Gardner, F Lawton Struble III, Mike Garvan Time stamps on posted video: 1:00 – 54? Church Rd –– subdivide one lot […]

Commission Mtgs Conservation Commission

RCL Conservation Meeting 12-18-2014 Time stamps

Conservation Commission – Dec. 18th meeting – time stamps 00:00:53 – White horse farms – last house – proposal to remove shared driveway and install new driveway; 00:17:00 – site walk scheduled ———————————————————– 00:19:24 – discuss various properties being donated; develop process to check of during site walks 00:22:50 – discuss other properties already donated; monitoring […]

Commission Mtgs Conservation Commission

RCL Conservation Notes Nov. 21, 2014

File for Civic News:    ConCom112014revBfinal 1      1090 Washington Rd: Permission was sought for solar panel installation at Independence Farm and cutting of trails.  Matter tabled pending further detail.  More Detail 2     561 South Rd: Builder, D.D. Cook,  offered to give the Town, through the Conservation Commission, approximately 20 acres of […]

Commission Mtgs Conservation Commission

RCL Information on Conservation Acquisition Hearing Nov. 10th

HEARING ON CONSERVATION ACQUISITION OF FORMER RAND LUMBER PROPERTY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014, 6:30 P.M., TOWN HALL Draft RandPurchaseAndSale CIP Table of Conservation Purchases RandLotLayout RandAppraisalLtr RandValueCalcof 16 lots Rand Lumber Comps BOS A-P Process for Conservation Purchases Notice of hearing:  Click here (hearing to be coincident with BOS meeting) 1.  Former Rand Lumber property of approximately […]

Commission Mtgs Demolition Commission

Demolition Meeting Nov. 13th 9am Information

Jim Tegeder of the Heritage Commission reports “the building is in bad shape on the backside. Windows are broken, foundation is cracked and is open to the weather. The roof has bad patches and generally looks like it suffered multiple grenade attacks.”  Here’s what Mae had e-mailed to a long list of people:  “To board […]

Beach Commission Commission Mtgs

RCL Beach Committee Notes Sept 29, 2014

NOTES OF SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 RYE BEACH COMMITTEE MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by theRyeCivic League Present (clockwise around table):  Police Chief Kevin Walsh, Committee members Lori Carbajal, Keper Connell, Steve Hillman, Larry Rocha.  Absent:  Colin Drake. Present from the public:  Peter Crawford, Joe Cummins. Editor’s note:  For ease in finding particular sections using […]

Commission Mtgs Conservation Commission

Conservation Commission RCL Notes October 16, 2014

NOTES OF OCTOBER 16, 2014 RYE CONSERVATION COMMISSION MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by theRyeCivic League Present from the Conservation Commission (counterclockwise around the table):  Jim Raynes, Lawton Struble, Dyana Ledger (Transcriptionist, not member), Mike Garvan, Sally King, Suzanne McFarland, Alternate Charles Raynes, Jaci Grote. Also present:  Peter Crawford, Don Cook, Tracy Degnan. Editor’s […]

Commission Mtgs

RCL Rye Farm Conservation Commission Site Walk Notes July 30, 2014

Site Walk notes for Civic News:  ConComsitewalkRyeFarm073014revCfinal PDF version to print:  ConComsitewalkRyeFarm073014revCfinal 1.  One parcel of 35 acres is proposed to be subdivided into five parcels, one containing the existing farm house, three containing single family homes and the fifth, requiring a wetlands crossing, containing either a ten unit Retirement Community Development (“RCDâ€) or another single […]