File for the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes041116revBfinal The application by Seacoast Velokids to use the Town Forest for bicycling events was tabled after Conservation Commission opposition. More Detail Rye’s representative to the Coastal Risk and Hazard Commission reported that estimates for sea level rise by 2100 range from 1.6 to 6.6 feet. More Detail An “august†[…]
HTML for Civic News: RyeBOSrclNotes042814revBfinal Beach permits were granted for Cinnamon Rainbows (maximum surf camp size 25) and Summer Sessions (maximum surf camp size 35). The application from The Shack was tabled due to unanswered questions and a representative not being present. More Detail Enforcement action approved for cottages at 32 Cable Rd. which are […]
Site Walk notes for Civic News:  ConComsitewalkRyeFarm073014revCfinal PDF version to print:  ConComsitewalkRyeFarm073014revCfinal 1.  One parcel of 35 acres is proposed to be subdivided into five parcels, one containing the existing farm house, three containing single family homes and the fifth, requiring a wetlands crossing, containing either a ten unit Retirement Community Development (“RCDâ€) or another single […]