Planning Board meeting Sept 9, 2014 - selected items with time stamps
243 Central Rd (3:38) – Altus engineering representing owner Dan Philbrick proposal to demo existing building and replace with two story building for single or mixed office use; new building would be closer to road with parking in back (3:38)
14:00 – Flexibility of business use depending on demand; water issues, snow storage run off, etc.
19:52 – Pl Bd. member questions
22:55 – public comments, proposed parking lot next to wetlands, Conservation commission not involved early in process
28:00 – Con Com. chair Sally King speaks
34:00 – waivers requested
38:20 – Pl. Bd. grants approval of application with conditions
45:00 – Â PB member Roman expresses her concerns – wetlands etc.
561 South Rd(Rye Farm)Â (53:00)Â
Note: Chairman Epperson recused himself prior to presentation, discussion between PB and member of the public about intent of builder, beyond the current proposal, to have an RCD in the back land acreage of the property.
Chair Winslow says that is not in the application for this meeting and will not be discussed.
55:00  –  Proposed major five lot subdivision – builder DD Cook and his engineer present; lot #1 will retain the current farm house and barn plus four new house lots in back
1:00:00 - after applicant provides many materials to PB, member Tweedie moves to have meeting continued to October so members can have time to study the documents. Applicant is given time to update the board on changes made to plan since the last meeting (driveways, drainage, entry road, etc.)
1:13:00 –  lot #5 is 27.5 acres (if there is a future application for an RCD it would be subdivided from this lot)
main entry road – line of sight
septic systems
Atty. Donovan’s comments addressed
soil quality
rain garden
ground water run off from lot #3
traffic volume
1:35:30 – Member Low expresses concerns about wetlands, pumping sewage near wetlands, wildlife corridor, protecting back lands in the back land parcel of the property ( part of lot #5)
1:38:30 – Public comments:
– member of Rye Water district expresses concerns about proximity of property to town aquifer
-495 South Rd resident – rain garden, detention pond, run off into wet lands
– Abutter to property expressed concerns about run off from lot #3 onto her property; she posed many technical questions that will have to be researched and addressed later
– Sally King of Con. Com spoke
2:01:01Â Â another South Rd resident spoke about the larger impact on creating a development next to the wetlands and how it will impact the whole ecosystem all the way to the ocean resident of 565 South Rd – expressed concerns about how wet the proposed building area is which he has witnessed for over 50 years
2:07:00 – public comments closed and PB discussion ensues:  vote to accept jurisdiction of the application including a 590 ft. town road to access the development, set up escrow account, schedule site walk on 9/15/14 and the meeting will be continued until the site walk
PB discusses Rules of Procedure (2:20:40) – a mistake is acknowledged in the process by which the 2012 PB approved changes to the 2012  Rules
2:22:30 – member of public Steven Borne speaks about confusion of the public in reviewing Rules of procedure since 1998
2:25:00 – spirited discussion with Chair Epperson
2:26:30 – members of the public Dominique Winebaum reviews the history of the Rules and the work done by PB member Martin Zivic in 2009;Â she questioned the manner in which the current PB has changed the rules
2:34:00 – PB member Ray Tweedie responds defending his actions
2:40:00 – discussion between PB member Roman and PB planner Kim Reed
Members of public Sam and Dominique Winebaum continue to give input about need to clean up the process. Residents Steven Borne and Peter Crawford continue the discussion
2:54:00 – PB agrees that the public input has been heard and acknowledged and that a review of the Rules of Procedure is in order
2:57:00 -Â continued discussion between the PB and the public
3:11 – Adjourn