March 4, 2015 Meeting of Zoning Board of Adjustment 7 pm Town Hall.
Members: Chair Ray Jarvis RJ, Vice Chair Paul Goldman PG, Clerk Burt Dibble BD,
Shawn Crapo SC and Pat Weathersby PW.
Time is indicative of minutes into video tape.
1:00 Call to order, pledge, introductions.
2:06 1/21/15 minutes
7:07 Motion to approve amended minutes PW abstains.
7:08 2/4/2015 minutes.
13:00 SC motions to approve amended minutes PG abstains.
14:00 Chair outlines ground rules.
16:59 Kyle Morin 127 Clark Road. Ist application. Setback and deck issues.
34:41 SC moves to grant relief, all approve.
36:00 Atty Phoenix for Atty Pelech for client Beattie Trust 1126 Ocean Blvd.
58:00 Septic/Driveway interplay discussion.
1:31:00 Recital of basis for granting/denying.
1:37:00 SC concerns on neighboring roof lines.
1:43:00Â Neighbor speakers in support.
1:45:00 Neighbor speaking in opposition. Shower/generator/AC unit(s) – Noise.
2:09:00 PG favors application generally.
2:10:00 SC speaks of 1982 variance grant. Now will be huge domineering.
2:23:00 5 minute time out.
2:35:00 SC considers voting on all items separately.
2:40:00 PW motions to deny 603.1 variance, passes with PG opposed.
2:43:00 Wall a few feet needing 20 feet 4-1 against approval PG opposes denial.
2:46:00 Generator issue. PW moves to deny , passes, PG opposed.