Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

July 13, 2015 BOS Site Walk RCL Notes

File for Civic League:  RyeBOSrclNotes071315siteWalkRevBfinal


  1. Site walk was conducted, with several residents present, on Perkins Rd.
  2. Residents are requesting striping adjacent to driveways similar to what is planned on Ocean Blvd.  The Selectmen took the matter under advisement.
  3. Residents present complained about safety issues, as well as trash and public urination.
  4. Selectman Mills indicated that striping driveways would prevent people from elsewhere from going to the beach. More Details
  5. Ocean Blvd. striping will occur “this week†according to Public Works Director Dennis McCarthy.  More Details
  6. Residents suggested the towing of illegally parked cars.  Despite the passage of a booting ordinance this year, it has not yet been used, as only cars with three or more unpaid tickets may be booted. More Details