File for Civic League. Â RyeTHCnotes120215revB
1.     A resident asserted that the Committee has been wasting its time as the parameters of square footage and cost have not been agreed to. More Information
2.     The Committee voted to advance five options to the next stage. The Selectmen will draft a warrant article to ask the town for funds to have an architect come up with cost estimates for each. More Information. These are:
a.     Renovate the Town Hall preserving historic features (11-1 vote).
b.     Renovate the Town Hall with no regard to the historic features (9-2 vote).
c.     Tear down the Town Hall and rebuild it on the current site (7-4 vote).
d.     Construct a new Town Hall on the existing site, with the fate of the existing Town Hall to be decided later (passed at prior meeting).
e.     Construct a new Town Hall on a site just north of the Public Safety Building at 541 Washington Rd. It would cost $500,000 to purchase the property and the existing house would be torn down (8-2 vote).
3.     Selectman Mills directed the Committee members to the video of the November 19, 2015 Heritage Commission meeting and took offense to their assertion that the Town, not the Selectmen, own the Town Hall. More Information
4.     A resident asked why the Parsonage Apartments site, which may be sold for one dollar, were not a better one for a new Town Hall than the one on Washington Rd. which would cost $500,000. More Information