Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

December 28, 2015 BOS Meeting RCL Notes

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes122815revBfinal

  1. A letter from the Heritage Commission states that the reference to demolition in a proposed warrant article on Town Hall would make obtaining Seven to Save grant funds extremely difficult.  Selectman Musselman disagreed, and would not modify the warrant article wording.  More Information
  2. An $80,000 warrant article to study community septic systems to address Parsons Creek pollution issues will not proceed this coming year.  The plan for addressing this issue using approximately $30,000 in the Beach Cleaning Fund was felt to be sufficient. More Information
  3. The warrant article to sell the Parsonage Apartments to the Housing Partnership for one dollar will not proceed this coming year.  Instead, a committee will be formed to study options for both this facility and senior housing in general. More Information
  4. A warrant article to acquire the parcel just north of the Public Safety Building was approved, with the exact amount (approximately $450,000) to be filled in early next year.  The appraisal obtained at Town expense will not apparently be released before then.  More Information
  5. A $60,000 warrant article to study five Town Hall options, including tear down and rebuild on the existing site as well as a new building just north of the Public Safety Building was approved.  More Information