The Heritage Commission. The Heritage Commission met on April 3, 2014. The meeting was a work session to review the Rules of Procedure proposed by the Board of Selectmen. Changes discussed included the use of alcohol in any public building and the use of alcohol at any board meeting of a town Committee or Commission. […]
 Rye Energy Committee  Tuesday, November 4, 2014 6:30-8 PM Rye Public Library Present: Michele Sopher, Danna Truslow, Howard Kalet, Tom Archibald, Lucy Neiman, Susan Anderson Absent: All present Also present: David Borden Approved October 7, 2014 Minutes 2013 Energy Report – Meredith Sopher, our intern, has finished the work she was assigned to do. […]
Survey upload: Â Recreation Space Needs Survey Recreation Commission Space Needs updated charter: Â 04-04-16 RRFNAC Updated Charge Solar Tour Flyer: Â Durham-Solar101-Flyer-5-24-sm Jenness Beach Streetlight Project: Â JB Streetlight Project Jenness Beach Budget from meeting: Â Jbvd 16 Budget