RCL Notes of the Conservation Commission July 21, 2016
1.    Wetland application for a generator, Hazel Hughes, 100 Lock Road.
Ron Cote presented on behalf of the applicant, Hazel Hughes, to install a standard generator 66 feet away from the Marsh. There was some confusion about the application process, namely that he was told that he would have to go before the Conservation Commission after his application for variance relief had already been filled out.
Chair Sally King stated that they did not want to hold off the project and will be scheduling a site walk. She will call Mrs. Hughes to set up a time.
2.    Joe Falzone and Jim Gove – Presentation of South Road Conceptual Project
On July 12, 2016, developer Joe Falzone came before the Planning Board for a Conceptual Consultation:Â (planning board agenda)
Conceptual Consultation for a residential subdivision by Harbor Street Limited Partnership for properties located on South Road and owned by William Chisholm Family Trust Tax Map 4, Lot 25, Brigham Family Trust Tax Map 4, Lot 27, Wayne & Aisha Hauser Tax Map 4, Lot 31 and Jenness PV Rev TR & Hyde F TST, Jenness PV & Hyde F Trustees Tax Map 4, Lot 32 to create a 21-lot subdivision with a road, utilities and drainage structures.
The Planning Board advised Mr. Falzone to come before the Conservation Commission to explain his intent of donating a portion of the 100 + acres of land that he intends to develop (22 homes). Â It appears that all the land would be wetlands, roughly 38 + acres, which amount might shift as the applicant goes through the planning board process.
(Editor’s notes: see diagram provided by RCL for a layout of the parcels to be combined and wetlands delineation:  https://ryecivicleague.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/June-29-2016-South-Rd-21-lots.pdf)
Mr. Falzone explained that the parcel is combining 4 parcels (see agenda above) which totals 100 + acres. The rear parcel abuts Conservation Town Land as well as land that belong to the Nature Conservancy. His intent would be to donate the rear portion of the parcel to the Town first and if they did not want it, they would approach the Nature Conservancy. The back parcel is approximately 38 acres – all wetlands.
Due to the dry weather, Mr. Falzone stated that it was almost possible to walk through the parcel.
Member Jeff Gardner asked how the Conservation Commission is going to be weighing on this application. Mr. Falzone replied that there would be no wetland impact. Jeff Gardner replied that there would be some buffer impact with Mr. Falzone replying that there might be a buffer impact for one driveway.
Jim Gove, wetland specialist, provided an inventory of the natural elements that constitute the wetlands. He pointed to vernal pools and described at length the type of trees, such as red maples and hemlocks to illustrate the natural heritage of the wetlands. He mentioned the presence of rubble piles as opposed to ledge.
Chair Sally King pointed out that the parcel is in the wellhead protection area.
There is a barn located on the parcel near the road and Mr. Falzone stated that the plan is for the barn to be dismantled and to be restored as it is moved to another location.
A site walk was planned for Monday, August 1st, at 10;00 a.m.
3.    Tracy Degnan, Rockingham County Conservation District provided updates on a number of projects.Â
a). Tracy Degnan talked about the South Road Land acquisition (lot 5 from the subdivision at 561 South Road).
b). She suggested that the CC make recommendations to the planning board to hire a wetland scientist regarding the proposed South Road development (discussed above) and to review the Aquifer and Wellhead Protection ordinance.
c). She described the latest developments on the closing of the Wallis road easement (Wallis Road Properties LLC/Retirement Community Development and former Rand Lumber property) that the process is almost complete.
d). As a conservation specialist for RCCD, she stated that they have plans to do more work on salt marsh restoration.
e). She stated that she has been getting calls from abutters to marshes complaining about invasive species and she is suggesting that something should be put in place to allow abutters to partner with the Conservation Commission in order to help control invasive species. A protocol should be put in place to help eradicate phragmites and other invasive species.
f). Chair Sally King stated that projects at the Goss Farm are going fairly well.
4. Mike Garvan: update from the Trail Management Subcommittee.
Mike Garvan stated that the Trail Subcommitte would like to see two kiosks and to upgrade the literature provided as well as the maps (there is one presently). To set the stage to educate is the purpose of those kiosks. He mentioned a plan for better signage as well.
5.    Suzanne McFarland brought up the topic of wetland buffer signs.
Chair Sally King stated that some of the homes in the Retirement Community Development on Wallis Road (Sea Glass Lane) are in the buffer zone. There needs to be buffer signs before any development takes place. The cost of the signs was mentioned. The plan would be to sell the signs to the developers. Building inspector, Peter Rowell, has been asking for the wetland buffer signs.
Mike Garvan stated that he is going to provide a proof of the signs and an estimate of the cost. He feels that they should have the signs in a few weeks.
Mike Garvan stated that the Trail Subcommittee would like to become unofficial in order to save on the cost of transcribing the minutes and have more flexibility in terms of scheduling meetings.
Mike Garvan stated that he had one more related item regarding the Trail Subcommittee. He is asking asked that the CC vote on the language as part as the management of the town forest. A motion by the members of the CC was made to approve the new language as read by Mike Garvan into the record.
6. Discussion regarding a number of violations.