Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL June 25, 2016 Board of Selectmen meeting notes

File  for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes072516revBfinal

  1. Various beach-related issues were discussed.  Although there has been good weather, congestion seems to be down.  Efforts to beat the bushes for lifeguards have been successful, although many will be leaving to go back to college around August 19.  More Detail
  2. The contract to haul refuse from the Transfer Center will be awarded to Shipyard Waste, the low bidder.  The incumbent Triano and JGM Trucking (the firm of Selectman Mills’ son) submitted higher bids.  More Detail
  3. Tom McCormick has resigned from the Planning Board.  More Detail
  4. No conflict of interest was seen by Selectman Musselman resulting from the retention of his firm, CMA Engineers, by North Hampton for drainage-related work.  There are ongoing discussions between Rye and North Hampton relating to the consolidation of fire and other services.  More Detail
  5. The written decision denying the unmerger request of SKRJ Realty (Stephen Brown, Trustee) for lots on Big Rock Rd. was adopted.  More Detail