Letter to Rye announcing Public Hearing: Â StateBathHouseMeetingAnnouncement083116
Letter to Rye announcing Public Hearing: Â StateBathHouseMeetingAnnouncement083116
May 2014 ZBA Meeting Members: chair Ray Jarvis, vice-chair Paul Goldman clerk Burt Dibble, Mr Mikolaites, Mr. Crapo, and alternate Mr. Hoyt. Planner Kim Reed. Minutes into tape: 001 Pledge of Allegiance 002 Intoduction of ZBA members 003 corrections to April meeting minutes talk. 006 correction amendments adopted. 007 Applications 4 and 6 continued not […]
Document for Civic News:  RyeSchoolBoardNotes091216revBfinal One of the two Junior High boilers is leaking and no longer usable, a fact discovered in July or August. It may be necessary to sole source the new boiler procurement to ensure heat by November 1 because of problems getting an engineering firm that will write a specification. The […]
File for Civic News: RyeBOSrclNotes022315revCfinal Comcast representative attempts to explain why rates have been increasing so quickly. Selectmen indicate that many elderly residents on fixed incomes may be unable to decipher the complex schedule of rates to find the $24.60 per month minimum service. More Detail Town is looking for the oldest Rye resident to receive […]