File for the Civic News: Â RyeBOSrclNotes111416revCfinal
- The tax rate of $10.68, compared to $10.90 in 2015, was announced. The reduction is entirely accounted for by the portion of the School District’s 2015-2016 surplus that is being returned to taxpayers this year. More Detail
- The Recreation Facilities Need Committee presented their report. They would like a Recreation Community Center to be built within 5-10 years. More Detail
- The Red Mill Lane culverts are going to need to be larger and more expensive than originally anticipated. More Detail
- South Hampton is interested in purchasing Rye’s ambulance once it has been replaced by the new one. A decision on maintaining two ambulances has not yet been made so it may not be for sale. More Detail
- The fence around the Outer Marker will be removed and the site named Outer Marker Park, so that the Town can comply with a federal requirement to use the land for recreation. More Detail
- The Selectmen’s view that the Jenness Beach Bathhouse is too tall will be communicated to the State. More Detail