Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL November 14, 2016 BOS Meeting notes

File for the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes111416revCfinal

  1. The tax rate of $10.68, compared to $10.90 in 2015, was announced.  The reduction is entirely accounted for by the portion of the School District’s 2015-2016 surplus that is being returned to taxpayers this year. More Detail
  2. The Recreation Facilities Need Committee presented their report.  They would like a Recreation Community Center to be built within 5-10 years. More Detail
  3. The Red Mill Lane culverts are going to need to be larger and more expensive than originally anticipated.  More Detail
  4. South Hampton is interested in purchasing Rye’s ambulance once it has been replaced by the new one.  A decision on maintaining two ambulances has not yet been made so it may not be for sale. More Detail
  5. The fence around the Outer Marker will be removed and the site named Outer Marker Park, so that the Town can comply with a federal requirement to use the land for recreation.  More Detail
  6. The Selectmen’s view that the Jenness Beach Bathhouse is too tall will be communicated to the State.  More Detail