The RCL will once again help the voters understand all of the warrant articles.
Here is a template for a petitioned warrant article. Warrant Article Template
Reference | Short  Description | Budget |
Art. 1 | Elections for 8 Â different positions. | |
Art. 2 | Choose  School District officers (separate School Meeting). | |
Art. 3 Amd. 1 | Housekeeping  change to conform to election of ZBA (voters adopted in 2012). | |
Art. 3 Amd. 2 | Historic  District regulation re: solar  collectors. | |
Art. 3 Amd. 3 | Establish  Rye Landfill Groundwater Management Zone Overlay District. | |
Art. 3 Amd. 4 | Decrease  building age for demolition review from 65 to 50 years. | |
Art. 3 Amd. 5 | Amend  definition of “structure” in the Zoning Ordinance. | |
Art. 3 Amd. 6 | Define  “storm water” in the Zoning Ordinance in accordance with State  statute. | |
Art. 4 | Town  Hall schematic design and related activities. | $60,000 |
Art. 5 | 1899 Â Trolley Barn (Old Police Station) study. | $9,800 |
Art. 6 | Goss  Farm Barn restoration. | $170,000 |
Art. 7 | Fund  Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund. | $100,000 |
Art. 8 | Municipal  Records and Document Management. | $25,000 |
Art. 9 | Streaming  of meetings at Town Hall. | $4,000 |
Art. 10 | Operating  budget $8,680,627. Default budget  $8,380,347 if defeated. | $8,680,627 |
Art. 11 | Discontinue  and quitclaim old Elwyn Rd. roadbed near new roundabout. | |
Art. 12 | Relocation  of Class VI Highway, Old Ferry Landing Rd. near Foyes’ Corner. | |
Art. 13 | Approve  cutting fewer than 10 trees for parking lot at Rye Recreation Area. | |
Art. 14 | Amend  Skateboard Ordinance to require single file for bicycles, pedestrians. | |
Art. 15 | Amend  Beach Ordinance to require approval of business and organized events. | |
Art. 16 | Amend  Parking Ordinance to add no parking areas near Jenness Beach. | |
Art. 17 | Require  numerical tally of votes on warrant articles and budget items. | |
Art. 18 | Increase  Solar Energy Heating and Cooling exemption from $15,000 to 35,000. | |
Art. 19  (petitioned) | Require  website posting of all agendas and minutes. | |
Art. 20  (petitioned) | Amend  Conflict of Interest definition.  Require tallying signers of Conflict of Interest form. | |
Art. 21 Â (petitioned) | Institute capital budget, enhance Capital Improvements Program (“CIP”) process. | |
Art. 22  (petitioned) | Require  investigation and report on the accuracy of 2012 property reassessments. | |
Art. 23 | Permit  Board of Selectmen to sell surplus Town equipment to the high bidder. | |
Art. 24 | To  transact other business that may legally come before the meeting. | |
School  Art. 1 | School  Budget of $12,938,447 | |
School Art. 2 | Appropriate  $10,670 to cover additional costs associated with the new contract for  Educational Support Staff | |
School Art. 3 | Permission  for special meeting if Art. 2 is not approves | |
School Art. 4 | Enable  unassigned general funds to be retained.  Not to exceed 2.5% | |
School Art. 5 | Appropriate  $4,000 for video streaming of School Board meetings | |
School Art. 6 | To  have School Board and Budget Committee budgetary votes recorded |