Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL Board of Selectmen August 14, 2017 notes

File for civic news:  RyeBOSrclNotes081417revCfinal

  1. An abutter of the Wentworth-by-the-Sea Country Club expressed multiple complaints, and said that the Chairman of the Planning Board should be replaced because of his behavior at a recent Planning Board meeting.
  2. Selectman Musselman chose not to provide any information about the acquisition on the agenda for the non-public session at the beginning of the meeting.
  3. Lavon Reynolds was appointed as the Assistant Town Clerk Tax Collector.
  4. The Selectmen voted to accept and expend approximately $116,000 in Highway Block Grant funds from the State. They assert that the funds may only be used for projects that are in addition to current spending plans.
  5. The Recreation Department is complaining that, two weeks prior to the start of school, there is no commitment to suitable space at Rye Elementary School for them to conduct their After School Program.
  6. New Hampshire DES is requiring additional testing of monitoring and private drinking water wells near the Breakfast Hill Landfill.