Planning Board Town Meetings

Rye Farm (561 South Rd) Site Walk RCL Notes

RCL Notes: RyePlngBoardNotes091514siteWalkRyeFarmRevCfinal

1.  Rye Water District representatives showed the wellheads located 1000 feet away, but developer Don Cook asserts that, in the absence of a Retirement Community Development (RCD) (which might be applied for later) the distance would be twice that.
2.  The subdivision would consist of five lots, one with an existing house.  The fifth lot is a problem because the current plan would require its septic pipe to cross the wetlands.
3.  Options for avoiding this are discussed.  These include (a) a smaller high tech septic system; (b) locating the leach field on a different lot than the house; and (c) moving the house to the other side of the wetlands, which would mean the driveway would cross the wetlands.