File for Civic News:Â Â RyeBOSrclNotes121117revCfinal
- Consideration of the Library Budget was tabled for a fourth time. More Detail
- The final design for the new $700,000 Salt Shed was approved, as was a bond article for this amount. Bids are due January 18, 2018 and will likely be lower than this, according to one Selectman. More Detail
- The School Use Feasibility Committee reported its results. Moving fifth grade from the Elementary School to the Junior High to free up space for Recreation appears to be the most supported option. Combining the schools and using part of the Junior High for town offices appear to have been rejected. More Detail
- High bacterial levels in the Parsons Creek Watershed (an impaired body according to the State) are still being detected, particularly near Marsh Rd. Failing septic systems in the area have been identified. More Detail
- A town consultant and representative from the State DES were present as a push was made for the strengthening of septic system requirements, however this was met with skepticism by at least one Selectman. More Detail
- The town was awarded a grant related to Town Hall, but only to do a Historic Structures Report, not to paint the building. A warrant article to paint the Town Hall was tabled for now.  More Detail
- The Public Works budget was increased to provide for an additional part-time employee (32 hours per week). More Detail
- A warrant article to purchase the former TD Bank building to “land bank†it was tabled, pending completion of contract negotiations and generation of a budget to transform the building for town use. Selling the Old Police Station to help fund the purchase will be explored, although two of the Selectmen were skeptical. More Detail