
68 Port Way Cell Tower

The recent balloon test revealed how omnipresent the tower will be.  Attached you will find a  map of the tower site with nine locations where photos were taken of the visible balloons.  

These photos refute the argument that the tower will be “hidden deep in the woodsâ€.  Rather, the balloon test brings to light that several miles of the NH Coastal Byway views will be affected by the proposed tower.  Yes, the state of NH advertises an 18.5 mile Coastal Byway

Along this Coastal Byway are many historically significant sites which will have a view of the cell tower. 

 The first such area is the Wentworth-By-The-Sea Hotel in New Castle (see photo 7).  This historic hotel housed both delegations in 1905 during the signing of the Russo-Japanese Peace Treaty. 

 Just beyond the Wentworth-By-The-Sea Hotel at the Rye / New Castle bridge is the view as seen in photo 6.  

Photo 5 shows the view from the bridge at the Odiorne Point boat launch.  

Photo 4 shows the view further along Rte 1A at Odiorne Point.  

Photo 3 shows the view at Odiorne Point at the first rest area just south of the park.  Odiorne is the site of the first documented European settlement in NH and houses the oldest cemetery in NH, dating back to the 1620’s. It is the home of Fort Dearborn and the Seacoast Science Center.  It is also one of only two prehistoric “drowned forest†remains in NH.  

A short distance further down Rte. 1A is Pulpit Rock Tower, the only remaining of 14 WWII observation towers in NH and on the National Register of Historic Places. 

 Photo #1 is taken on Parsons Rd close to this tower.  

The most prominent view of the cell tower will be from Parsons Rd at Marsh Pond as shown in photo #8.  From this vantage point, the entire cell tower complex will be visible as there is only low marsh vegetation between this point and the cell tower site.