
Rye School Budget Process 2014-2015 Budget

Printable Version: Rye Schools Budget Process for the 2014-15 school year (final)

Rye Schools 2014-15 Budget Process

(All meetings are open to the public)

September/October Administrators create   budget with staff input.

October / November SAU #50 Business   Administrator and Superintendent review budget.
November 7, 2013

6:00 PM, Rye Junior High


The Business Administrator  will present a preliminary review of the

2014-15 school budget to   the Rye School Board.

November 8, 2013

8:15 AM, Rye Public Library,  downstairs  meeting room



School board reviews and   approves budget and warrant articles.

The   Rye School Board may increase or decrease the proposed budget, including   specific line items. The public is welcome to attend, but it is up to the   discretion of the board to allow for public input.

November 20, 2013

5:00 PM, Rye Junior High


Rye School Board meeting

As part of their regular   monthly meeting, the school board may continue to review and deliberate on   the 2014-15 school budget.

November 13, 2013

6:30 PM, Rye Junior High

SAU #50 School Board   members review and approve SAU #50 budget.   

The SAU #50 budget includes   salaries for the superintendent and other SAU administrators and staff.  Rye’s share of this budget is approximately   50%. The 16-member SAU #50 school board is comprised of all school board   members from Rye, Greenland, Newington, and New Castle.  The Rye School Board may schedule a   special meeting following this one to finalize the Rye School District budget   if necessary.

December 11, 2013

6:30 PM, Rye Town Hall

Town budget committee   review of the Rye school budget and warrant articles

At this meeting, after a   thorough review of the school district budget, the Rye Budget Committee   decides the annotation that goes on the warrant at the deliberative session   and on the ballot for voting in March – whether or not the budget committee   recommends or does not recommend the school budget or warrant articles.

December 18, 2013

5:30 PM, Rye Junior High

SAU #50 budget public   hearing

This is the official   session for residents of Rye, New Castle, Greenland and Newington to give   input on the SAU #50 budget. The SAU #50 Joint School Board has the authority   to change its recommendation to approve or not approve the budget at this   time.

December 18, 2013

6:00 PM, Rye Junior High

Rye School Board meeting

No specific discussion of   the 2013-14 budget is planned at this time.    However, if necessary the board may vote on any warrant articles to be   included on the ballot.

January 14, 2014

4:00 PM at SAU #50 office   or by midnight to any Rye School Board member

Filing deadline for school   warrant articles

The public can submit   warrant articles. A petition with the language to be placed on the warrant   and signed by at least 25 registered voters can be submitted to the School   Board via the SAU #50 office or to any individual Rye School Board member.

January 15, 2014

6:30 PM, Rye Junior High

January 16, 2013 (snow   date)

6:30 PM, Rye Junior High

Public hearing (Rye Budget   Committee) on school budget

Rye residents’ official   session to give input on the school budget. The town budget committee has   authority to change its recommendation to approve or not approve the budget   at this time.

January 22 –January 31,   2014

At   Town Hall during business hours (closes at 5:00)

Filing period for school   district offices

 The following offices will be on the ballot: Two   school board members

(3-year   term positions).

February 5, 2014

6:30   PM, Rye Junior High

February 6, 2014 (snow date)

6:30   PM, Rye Junior High

School District   Deliberative Session

Rye   residents have the ability to vote an increase (no more than 10%) or a   decrease to the school budget at this time in a town meeting-like session.   They also have the ability to amend warrant articles in any way as long as   they don’t change the subject matter of the article. At times, voters at the   deliberative session have voted to increase the budget and have amended   warrant articles to completely negate their intent. They have also attempted   to decrease the school budget. The town budget committee may change its   recommendation at this time.

March 11, 2015

8:00   AM – 7:00 PM

Rye   Elementary School

Town election

Rye   residents vote to approve or disapprove the school budget, school   warrant articles, and to elect school district officials