Discussion topics Rye Civic News

RCL Discussion: Rye Schools

This text is to promote  discussion.   This is starting  information, please remember that opinions are “not right or wrong”, just opinions and information to get discussions going.   While there can be many points of discussion about our schools, Rye Schools have had an excellent reputation and that has helped with property values. We can […]

Discussion topics Rye Civic News

RCL Discussion: Protecting the Character of Rye

This text is to promote  discussion.   This is starting  information, please remember that opinions are “not right or wrong”, just opinions and information to get discussions going.   Our most valuable asset is the Character of Rye and our coast line. What do you think the right level of “investment” Rye should be making to […]

Discussion topics Rye Civic News

RCL Discussion: Town Assesing

This text is to promote  discussion.   This is starting  information, please remember that opinions are “not right or wrong”, just opinions and information to get discussions going.   Rye just fired our Town Assessor after about a year on the job. From April 2014 to April 2015, a period where we did not re-asses property […]

Discussion topics Rye Civic News

RCL Discussion: Town Facilities Planning (Town Hall, etc..)

RCL Memo to BOS for Facilities Planning:  RCL Memo Facilities Master Planning 23 Sep 16 BOS Updated RCL Facilities Information September 2016:  Town Hall Information for Facilities Planning September 2016 Transfer Station Concept Diagram:  Transfer Station Conceptual Site Plan 2014-12-30 BOS Design/Build Document from September 26, 2016 BOS meeting:  THspaceAnalysisForDesignBuild092616 SMP 2014 Existing Building Study: […]

Discussion topics Rye Civic News

RCL Parson’s Creek Pollution Information

December 11, 2017 presentation to BOS repeats known findings that we have an issue.   Video Click Here – 1:34 after bacterial   a) Septic system density above .26 per acre causes problems, Parsons Creek Watershed is at .45 systems per acre.  The problem is over saturated land.  At this point, testing should only be to […]

Rye Civic News

August RCL News help

Safety Building:  2015 fire prevention Wedgewood Letter:  ParentWedgewoodAnnouncement Table for Agenda:  RCL Meeting Coverage 8-2015 PDF:  RCL-Meeting-Coverage-8-2015 Meeting Date Video Minutes Owner Edited Trustee of the Trust Funds 3-Aug Yes None ZBA 5-Aug Yes Yes Rules & Regs 6-Aug None None Heritage Committee 6-Aug Yes Yes Board of Selectmen 10-Aug Yes None Planning Board 11-Aug […]

Rye Civic News

Civic News General Announcements December 2014

South School  House available to be moved:                       Owner Joy Roy said at Rye Demo Committee Public hearing in November that  if anyone wanted to move the school house to their lot they are welcome to it. Otherwise it will be demolished in the Spring.                       If interested call him at  Nine Six Four –  2032 Rye Town […]

Discussion topics Rye Civic News

Public Forum Discussion

The Public Forum Discussion is held at the RPL and begins once the RCL Business meeting is closed. Suggested topics for November Meeting (on December 1st) Town Hall – Development – Bracket Road,South Road – South St. School house – RJH Staffing questions – Long term School Funding questions – Town’s IT Infrastructure – Warrant […]