
2018 RCL Election Support

My voting Sheet:  Rye 2018 My Voting Sheet Warrant Article Presentation – updated after the Deliberative Meeting:  RCL 2018 Warrant Articles Information March 4th Updated Warrant Article with TOC link:  RCL 2018 Warrant Articles Information TOC Short Table of Warrant Articles Yes No means..:  2018 RCL Warrant Article Table file PDF Updated Short table with Links:  2018 RCL Warrant Article […]


Rye Inflection Point?

RCL Monthly Meeting Agenda December Major Phases in Rye: 1600’s/1`700’s: fishing, farming, a few mills and some small cottage industries 1800’s: Regular coach service to Portsmouth means more Rye people working there and at ship yard starting 1800; 1840’s RR brings tourists and hotels, boarding houses, summer communities like Straws and Concord Point  and mansions for […]

School Board School Events

2018 School Budget Information & Dec. 13, 2018 Budget Committee Sumarry

Budget Summary 13 Dec 2017 below: Rye budget committee presentation Dec 13 Rye FY18-19 Proposed Budget Draft FY19 Rye Propsoed Budget Draft master (1) 1. SAU50 Assistant Business Administrator Amy Ransom presented the proposed operating budget for 2018-2019 of $14,023,994, up from $13,893,451 in 2017-2018 and $13,092,108 in 2016-2017. The proposed budget reflects a reduction […]

Town Events

PFC Background information

Timeline of PFC:  PFCs Summary Timeline – Commercial Prod + Disposal  (Compiled by a resident to support the Rye Civic News). There are thousands of compounds in the PFAS chemical class; PFOA has been researched and reported on the most. DuPont began documenting PFOA health effects in 1954. By the 1980s, DuPont was quietly monitoring water […]

Budget Committee Town Meetings

RCL Notes of November 16, 2017 Budget Committee meeting

RyeBudgetCteeNotes111617revCfinal Memo to Budget Chair:  MemoReBCmbrship111517 1.     Shawn Crapo was seated and permitted to vote over the objection of one member who had provided a six page memorandum on why that would be unlawful.  It argued that the statute requires village district representatives to the Budget Committee to be appointed by their respective boards, and that Mr. […]

Opinion Pieces

Rye Public Forum Questions

At the last Public Forum Discussion (occurs the last Wednesday of the month at the RPL, following the monthly Rye Civic League meeting), residents were asking about a list of all of the Un-Resolved issues and are there plans to add address these? What would you add to this list? a)  No facilities master plan […]


November 2017 Tax Rate Information

2018 Draft Budget (as December, 2017):  Town Budget December 2018 Draft Tax Rate Explanation 2017 Tax Rate 2017 Details TaxRateSet History a)  Town wide thirteen (13%) increase in assessed values is why the tax rate is lower (click here for tax rate table).  Despite applying approximately $1.4 million (town and school) of prior year surplus money to keep […]

Planning Board Town Meetings

Wetlands & Surface Water Committee October 2017 Details

October Meeting Information Recorded Video:  October 11th:   Click Here    Oct 25th:  Click Here Draft Town Meeting minutes: October 11th  Click Here   Oct. 25th:  Not available  1. The committee is examining per the building inspector’s request  how to potentially incorporate elements of the NH Shoreland Water Protection Act SWPA (2008) and specifically how its Section 483-B:9 Minimum Shoreland […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL November 27, 2017 BOS notes

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes112717revBfinal Consideration of the Library budget was tabled for the third time, pending further investigation of the figures by the Library Director and the Town Finance Director, thus wasting the time of three Library Trustees who were present, as well as the Library Director, all of whom had come to discuss the […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL Notes of November 13th Board of Selectmen meeting

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes111317revBfinal The Wentworth-by-the-Sea Country Club has blocked reinstallation of the “Sanders Poynt, 1623†sign and DOT has refused to allow it to be installed in the State right-of-way. The Town Administrator will appeal to the DOT Commissioner. The CIP Committee presented its plan for $2.752 million in projects in 2018, however some […]