1. There will be no warrant article for a new collective bargaining agreement with the support workers (RESPA). Negotiations are at an impasse (3:08 elapsed).
2. The Budget Committee approved a $23,764 reduction to their recommended budget, as suggested by the SAU Assistant Business Manager, due to a reduction in the SAU 50 budget (12:54 elapsed).
3. A Budget Committee member questioned a $75,464 increase in the teacher retirement budget over prior year. At the 17.36 percent contribution rate, that would require a $434,700 increase in teacher salaries. The budget contains no increase in teacher salaries of anything close to that. The SAU Assistant Business Manager was unable to explain (30:29 elapsed).
4. SAU 50 Superintendent acknowledges that there may not be a valid contract with respect to the Robert J. Lister Academy, a $75,760 budget item for 2018-2019 for which the Rye School District receives no benefit (in recent years only one student from Rye has attended, and only briefly). The issue will be addressed SAU wide (51:57 elapsed).
5. The Budget Committee voted 10-1 to recommend the amended operating budget of $1,400,230 (59:49 elapsed)
6. The Budget Committee discussed the petitioned warrant article to move responsibility for establishing the default budget from the School Board to the Budget Committee (62:15 elapsed)