Commission Mtgs Conservation Commission

RCL Conservation Commission January 15, 2015 Notes and Time stamps

Conservation committee meeting    1/15/15 Present: Sally King chair, Jaci Grote, Suzanne Mc Farland, Jim Raynes, Peter C – one of the 3 remaining members was not present but I don’t know them – Jeff Gardner, F Lawton Struble III, Mike Garvan Time stamps on posted video: 1:00 – 54? Church Rd –– subdivide one lot […]

Town Meetings Zoning Board of Adjustment

RCL ZBA January 7, 2015 Time stamps

Present: Chair Ray Jarvis, Patty Weathersby, Sean Crapo, Burt Dibble, Charles Hoyt Time stamps 1. 39:00 – application to rehear ZBA decision on use of helicopter at Petey’s rest. by owner Peter Aiken (this was only dealing with the building inspectors letter, not a general decision about helicopter use) Application denied 4-1 2. 42:35 – […]


Article 9 Add a new police officer

From Chief Walsh:  The purpose of this summary is to inform Rye residents of the types of crimes and quality of life complaints the police department has investigated over the last nine years. Because of the type of activity Rye has had through those nine years, I am recommending an additional officer in 2015. I […]

Committee Mtgs Town Hall Committee

Town Hall December 3, 2014 RCL Notes

For the Civic News:  TownHallCteeMtg120314revDrevisedFinal Full Meeting Room (i.e. Great Hall) capacity of 247 persons will be supported by the bathrooms (including two bathrooms on the third floor, below the belfry) and egress capacity, but not the cooling or septic systems that have been designed for 150 persons.  Selectman Musselman asserts that these issues are […]

Town Meetings Zoning Board of Adjustment

RCL December 3, 2014 ZBA Meeting Notes

NOTES OF DECECMBER 3, 2014 RYE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present from the ZBA (left to right):  Clerk Burt Dibble, Shawn Crapo, Patty Weathersby, Alternate Charlie Hoyt.  Absent:  Vice Chairman Paul Goldman. Also present:  Planning Administrator Kim Reed. Editor’s note:  For ease in finding […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL December 22, 2014 BOS meeting notes

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes122214revBfinal 1.   Recycling Education Committee continues to push pay-as-you-throw warrant article. More Detail 2.   Town will look at turning on Portsmouth Public Media TV (channel 98) in Rye.  First year cost will be zero, but PPMtv will ask for $5 per household in subsequent years.  Selectmen propose a 2016 warrant article after the […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL December 8, 2014 BOS Meeting notes

File for Civic news:  RyeBOSrclNotes120814revBfinal Selectmen approve, 2-1, a resident’s request to solicit petitioned warrant articles at the Recycling Center.  Selectman Mills voted no after insisting on knowing the contents beforehand. More Detail New Town Flag was awarded to the designer, former Rye Junior High School student William Gerrish. More Detail Utility pole request on […]


2015 Town & School Election Support

Votes Sheet to bring to polls: 2015 Voting Notes Absentee Ballot:  Click Here Town Ballot:  Click Here School Ballot: Click Here Candidates Night video: Click Here Rye Water District Budget:  RWDbudget2015   Rye Water District Warrant (Ballot): RWDwarrant2015 Jenness Beach Budget:   JBDbudget2015     Rye Beach Budget:  RBDbudget2015 Open Town positions:  2015 vacancies Candidates for the March 10th Election: […]

Commission Mtgs Conservation Commission

RCL Conservation Meeting 12-18-2014 Time stamps

Conservation Commission – Dec. 18th meeting – time stamps 00:00:53 – White horse farms – last house – proposal to remove shared driveway and install new driveway; 00:17:00 – site walk scheduled ———————————————————– 00:19:24 – discuss various properties being donated; develop process to check of during site walks 00:22:50 – discuss other properties already donated; monitoring […]

Planning Board Town Meetings

RCL Planning Board December 9th Time Stamps

Planning Board meeting Dec 9, 2014 – time stamps 0:1:49 – 561 South Rd – continued to Jan. meeting ————————————————————————– 0:2:31 – 23 Locke Rd – Arbor Rd. Trust – subdivide one lot into two lots; issues: trees, impervious surface, drainage, etc. 0:41:40 – PB takes jurisdiction with conditions —————————————————————————————– 0:51:10 – 511 Wallis Rd […]