Budget Committee Town Meetings

RCL January 14, 2015 School Budget Public Hearing notes

Details for Civic News: RyeBudgetCteeNotes011415revBfinal

1. Agreement has been reached with the teachers union. Improvements on health care costs, but wages went up 2.4 to 3.5 percent. More Detail

2.  A $10,000 warrant article to provide funds for a deposit on land behind the Junior High School was approved unanimously.   The plan is to finance the acquisition entirely with donations and another 1.5 acres will be donated. More Detail

3.  A $3000 petitioned warrant article to provide video streaming of School Board and other meetings at the Junior High was rejected 7-1 even after data on the actual $1200 and $800 costs of installing similar systems at the Library and Town Hall was deemed inconclusive to the likely cost at the Junior High School. More Detail

4. Several Budget Committee members asserted that the budgeted $3.44 per gallon heating oil price and projected usage 30 percent above the 2010-2013 average needed no adjustment notwithstanding the current price of around $2.50 per gallon and a customary price lock in July of this year. More Detail

5. Budget Committee member Doug Abrams left after a resident asserted that the Budget Committee had achieved only $500 in reductions and never listens to the public.  He is up for re-election.  More Detail