Planning Board Town Meetings

RCL Planning Board Rules and Regs meeting notes November 18, 2014

NOTES OF NOVEMBER 18, 2014 RYE PLANNING BOARD, RULES AND REGULATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING Final Revision C – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present from Planning Board:  Bill Epperson, Keriann Roman. Present from the Town:  Kim Reed, Planning Administrator Present from the public:  Peter Crawford Editor’s note:  For ease in finding particular sections using the […]

School Board Town Meetings

RCL School Budget Overview November 6, 2014

Rye NH School Board 11/6/2014 1st Budget Discussion 2015/16 Year. 0:01:00 SB Mandate to have a flat and up 2% budget- critically not counting Collective Bargaining Agreement being negotiated; (Portsmouth High) tuition is up 6% which indicates trends in CBA costs. 0:03:36 Flat Budget.     Means down one elementary teacher through cut or attrition -88k […]

Committee Mtgs Rye Energy Committee

Rye Recycling November 2014 Meeting notes

On 11/25 we further worked on wording for the Petitioned Warrant Article for SMART (Save Money and Reduce Trash) –  we are still fine tuning the wording and plan to begin collecting signatures by next weekend. The warrant article will include a higher predicted “Net Impact†(or savings) of $150K per year (instead of  $143K) as WasteZero’s #s (below) had assumed only $15/ton received for […]

Opinion Pieces

Does Rye need an IT Strategy?

Does the town need an IT plan? If you have any IT experience please watch the BOS November 24th, starting at 60:25 into the video Click Here.  It was clear to me that there is NO IT strategy for managing the workloads the town needs.  No discussion of how Cloud based storage or services can […]

Committee Mtgs Rye Energy Committee

Rye Energy December 2, 2014 Agenda

Rye Energy Committee Meeting Tuesday, December 2, 2014 6:30-8 PM Rye Public Library Agenda   Approve November 4, 2014 Minutes   RREC Update, Warrant Article (Deidre Smyrnos attending) 2013 Energy Report Support/Portfolio Manager – Continued Town Hall Committee Meeting Update Program – Poster project Public Safety Building Energy Audit update Rye Water District  – Howard […]

Committee Mtgs Rye Energy Committee

Rye Energy Committee November 4, 2014 Meeting Minutes

   Rye Energy Committee  Tuesday, November 4, 2014 6:30-8 PM Rye Public Library Present:  Michele Sopher, Danna Truslow, Howard Kalet, Tom Archibald, Lucy Neiman, Susan Anderson Absent:  All present Also present:  David Borden Approved October 7, 2014 Minutes 2013 Energy Report – Meredith Sopher, our intern, has finished the work she was assigned to do.  […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL BOS notes November 24, 2014

Notes for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes112414revBfinal Constance Abell appointed Deputy Treasurer.  More Detail State plans for roads including Lang & Lafayette intersection and the Newcastle Bridge are discussed. More Detail Beach Committee presents its report.  Selectmen question whether a Beach Commission is still needed. More Detail Rye joins in new Waste Management contract with the Solid […]

Opinion Pieces

An Abutters’ Opinion and Petition 561 South Rd – Rye Farm

Resident Petition to the Planning Board:  561 South Road Water Petition #2 Lot 5 Diagram: 561 South Road Lot 5 Petition #2 to protect Rye Water (below) is receiving broad support.  Submit a signed petition by printing, signing, scan, and email it to: [email protected] UPDATE:  561 South Road …. RYE FARM …. D.D. Cook Builders of Greenland, NH for […]