File for Civic news:  RyeBOSrclNotes120814revBfinal Selectmen approve, 2-1, a resident’s request to solicit petitioned warrant articles at the Recycling Center. Selectman Mills voted no after insisting on knowing the contents beforehand. More Detail New Town Flag was awarded to the designer, former Rye Junior High School student William Gerrish. More Detail Utility pole request on […]
RCL .xls Table for the All Day Budget Meetings: Â BOSbudgetSession102215revB RCL PDF Table for the All Day Budget Meetings: Â BOSbudgetSession102215revB
Tax rate setting video: Click Here SUMMARY OF TAX RATE SETTING MEETING 1. The tax rate set on 11/12/18 was flat at $10.11 for the total of town, school and county taxes (i.e. excluding districts). 2. The town tax rate was up $.16 and the school rate down $.16. About half of the […]