
RCL Board of Selectmen Notes April 22, 2013

These are Draft Notes:  The final notes will be re-posted: NOTES OF APRIL 22, 2013 RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING Draft Revision A – Provided by theRyeCivic League             Present:  Selectmen Jenness, Musselman and Mills.  Also present:  Cindi Gillespie.       Test of video streaming system               Before the meeting was called to order, Cindi Gillespie […]


Rand Lumber: RCL Planning Board 4-9-2013 meeting

Rand Lumber Notes from RCL.  Please also view the Town Meeting Minutes. Rand Property The Rye Planning Board then conducted a Conceptual Consultation with Wallis Road Properties, LLC for subdivision of the former Rand Lumber property (lots 71 and 66 on tax map 16, a total of approximately 90 acres) to obtain Retirement Community Development […]


RCL Planning Board Notes April 9, 2013

Printable version of the RCL Notes: NOTES OF APRIL 9, 2013 RYE PLANNING BOARD MEETING Final Revision C – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present:  Bill Epperson, Mel Low, Priscilla Jenness, Ray Tweedie, Phil Winslow, Jerry Gittlein, Keriann Roman, Curtis Boivin Also present:  Kim Reed, planning administrator New officers Mel Low nominated Bill Epperson […]


RCL BOS Meeting Notes April 8, 2013

For a printable version:  RCL BOS 4-8-13 Meeting Notes NOTES OF APRIL 8, 2013 RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present:  Selectmen Jenness, Musselman and Mills.  Also present:  Michael Magnant, Cindi Gillespie. Energy Committee and Recycling Subcommittee This matter was taken out of order.  Selectman Mills […]


BOS Meeting 3-25-13 RCL Notes

Printable version of the RCL Meeting notes:  RCL BOS 3-25-13 Meeting Notes NOTES OF MARCH 25, 2013 RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present:  Selectmen Jenness, Musselman and Mills.  Also present:  Michael Magnant, Cindi Gillespie. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the March 11, 2013 meeting […]


RCL Board of Selectmen March 11, 2013 Meeting Notes

Click here for printable version: RCL BOS 3-11-13 Meeting Notes   NOTES OF MARCH 11, 2013 RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present:  Selectmen Jenness, Musselman and Mills.  Also present:  Michael Magnant, Cindi Gillespie. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the February 20, 2013 meeting were approved […]


2013 Rye Vacancies for Alternates and Full time positions

Printable Table: Rye Elected and Appointed 2013   2013 Alternates and Positions Document update To fill one of these appointed Full-time member positions or to be an Alternate, here is the process. 1) Write a letter to the chair of that board including a letter introducing yourself and expressing your interest and any experience which is relevant to […]

Other Town Events Town Events uncategorized

Sanders Poynt Court Hearing

“The Town of Rye has responded to the suit filed by Rye resident, Robert Jesurum against the Wentworth-by-the-Sea Country Club (“WBTSCC”) and has taken a position supportive of Mr. Jesurum’s.  Last year, the WBTSCC was issued a building permit for a fence blocking the parking area adjacent to Sanders Poynt. In addition to the fence, […]


RCL 2013 Analysis

On January 30th the RCL presented a summary of the warrant articles and analysis of the town and school budgets.  We have updated these after the Deliberative Town Meeting. RCL Budget Analysis:  RCL 2013 Budget Analysis pre- Election RCL Warrant Article Overview:  RCL 2013 Warrant Articles pre-election