File for the Civic news:  RyeBOSrclNotes101415revBfinal The Capital Improvement Program Committee presented the CIP Plan for 2016-2021, which included recommendations to spread out a number of capital expenditures to prevent debt service from reaching an all-time high in 2017. More Detail  The five surplus vehicles, including three police cruisers and two dump trucks, that have […]
Town Meetings
Town Meetings held by elected officials
RCL Notes September 28, 2015 BOS Meeting
Minutes for the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes092815revBfinal Two new firefighter/paramedics were sworn in.  More Detail The Housing Partnership asked the Town to give them the Parsonage Apartments, assessed at over $1 million, so that they can raise money to renovate them. They would be unwilling to continue with the existing arrangement, which expires in 2019. More […]
RCL Planning Board Meeting Notes September 15, 2015
Rye Planning Board Meeting Sept 15, 2015 7 PM Rye Town Hall Courtroom  Rye Civic League Notes Link to official draft minutes: Town Hall Streaming video of meeting: Amendment to Zoning Section 504 Tourist Accommodations’ requirement to produce records for police inspection.  Amended to comply with US Supreme Court decision which said such […]
RCL BOS Sept 14, 2015 meeting notes
RCL Notes for the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes091415revBfinal Selectmen approve 2 percent pay increase for budget, despite inflation of .2 percent, as contracts have a 2 percent floor. More Detail Mosquito problems near Parsons Rd. will be looked into. Contractor asserts mosquitoes are way down in part due to few high tides flooding the marshes in […]
RCL August 26, 2015 BOS Meeting Notes
File for Civic News: Â RyeBOSrclNotes082615revBfinal Lifeguard staffing of Town beaches ended August 23 due to school year starting. More Detail Grant for $121,000 to be applied towards the former Rand Lumber property purchase was accepted. If a second grant comes in, taxpayers will end up paying approximately $1 million of the $1.25 million purchase price. […]
RCL August 10th BOS Meeting Notes
File for Civic News:Â RyeBOSrclNotes081015revBfinal One of two signs requested by the Heritage Commission indicating that the Town Hall is on the State Registry is approved. More Detail Conservation Commission request for approval of $121,000 grant to be applied towards former Rand Lumber purchase is tabled after it is discovered no public hearing was held. More […]
July 13, 2015 BOS Site Walk RCL Notes
File for Civic League:  RyeBOSrclNotes071315siteWalkRevBfinal Site walk was conducted, with several residents present, on Perkins Rd. Residents are requesting striping adjacent to driveways similar to what is planned on Ocean Blvd. The Selectmen took the matter under advisement. Residents present complained about safety issues, as well as trash and public urination. Selectman Mills indicated […]
RCL Notes July 13, 2015 Board of Selectmen Meeting
File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes071315revBfinal Donations to the Heritage Commission for Town Hall were accepted. The Selectmen questioned the authority of the Heritage Commission to expend funds without their approval. More Details A public hearing will be scheduled on a grant aimed at reestablishing Rye as a participant in the FEMA Community Rating System. That […]
RCL BOS Meeting notes June 8, 2015
File for Civic news:  RyeBOSrclNotes060815revBfinal The plan for striping of Ocean Blvd. has been submitted to the State and has preliminary approval. After the Commissioner approves, striping will occur forthwith. More Detail Parking problems adjacent to St. Theresa’s Church were highlighted by two residents of the area. On of the residents was given permission to […]
RCL Notes BOS Meeting May 11, 2015
File for the Civic News: RyeBOSrclNotes051115revBfinal The Selectmen authorized the Conservation Commission to repair damage to a Town trail after an unauthorized Jeep caused $9800 in damage. More Detail A former principal with The Shack Surf Shop was granted a permit to rent paddleboards on a drop off basis. More Detail Namaste Beach Yoga was granted […]