Budget Committee Town Meetings

RCL notes of School Budget Committee Public Hearing Jan. 11, 2017

1.  The Budget Committee revoted its approval of the school operating budget after a $67,906 increase to pay for Rye’s share of a new Assistant Business Manager at the SAU 50 office (0:00 elapsed). 2.  A resident challenged the need for an approximately $330,000 increase in the Special Education Budget, which is up from approximately $1 […]

Budget Committee Town Meetings

RCL Notes of Budget Committee meeting April 26, 2016

(0:00 elapsed) Paul Goldman elected Chairman, Jaci Grote Vice Chairman and Peggy Balboni Clerk. (14:35 elapsed) Three sets of minutes approved. (20:09 elapsed) School District Business Manager presents third fiscal quarter (ending March 30, 2016) results: 1. District is on track to return $350,000 to $400,000 surplus in 2015-2016 to taxpayers. 2. A good winter […]

Budget Committee Town Meetings

RCL Budget Committee Districts Public Hearing February 2, 12016 notes

Notes for the Civic News:  RyeBudgetCteeNotes020216revBfinal The Rye Beach Village District budget was tabled after Commissioner Frank Drake explained that their Treasurer had “skipped town†and they were in disarray.  More Detail The Jenness Beach Village District budget, as well as a warrant article for a $30,000 for street light replacement with LEDs, were unanimously […]

Budget Committee Town Meetings

RCL January 15, 2015 Town Budget Public Hearing

File for the Civic News: RyeBudgetCteeNotes011515revBfinal Increase to Town Clerk/Tax Collector budget for third full-time employee was unanimously recommended. More Detail Addition of $25,000 to the capital outlay budget to permit Route 1A parking space striping was recommended 7-1. More Detail Town Hall project for $4.1 million was unanimously recommended. More Detail Firefighters union contract was […]

Budget Committee Town Meetings

RCL January 14, 2015 School Budget Public Hearing notes

Details for Civic News: RyeBudgetCteeNotes011415revBfinal 1. Agreement has been reached with the teachers union. Improvements on health care costs, but wages went up 2.4 to 3.5 percent. More Detail 2.  A $10,000 warrant article to provide funds for a deposit on land behind the Junior High School was approved unanimously.   The plan is to finance the acquisition […]

Budget Committee Town Meetings

BOS Budget Workshop all day meeting

RCL Table showing all discussions and time stamps:  BOS102314budgetSess This is an .xls file that needs to be opened.  If you have trouble try the pdf file:  BOS102314budgetSess   Rye NH Board of Selectmen all-day Budget Session (times from video on Town website) Account Description Dept. Req. BOS approval Elapsed Time Video start 0:00 8:56:36 […]

Budget Committee Town Meetings

RCL July 30, 204 Budget Meeting notes

File for Civic News: RyeBudgetCteeNotes073014revBfinal 1. The School District reported a cumulative surplus of approximately $411,000 at the end of the latest fiscal year in June.  Most of this is being retained to avoid the appearance of a spike in the 2015-2016 tax rate.  This year’s tax rate should be flat, nevertheless.  More Detail 2. High […]