Budget Committee Town Meetings

BOS Budget Workshop all day meeting

RCL Table showing all discussions and time stamps:  BOS102314budgetSess

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Rye NH Board of Selectmen all-day Budget Session (times from video on Town website)
Account Description Dept. Req. BOS approval Elapsed Time
Video start 0:00 8:56:36 AM
4290-17 Emergency Management $5,900 $5,900 0:28 8:57:04 AM
4210-15 Police Department $1,324,754 $1,324,754 1:27 8:58:03 AM
4414-38 Animal Control $15,839 $15,839 4:05 9:00:41 AM
Fund 8 Parking Enforcement $37,325 $33,025 10:54 9:07:30 AM
Fund 7 Outside Details $137,000 $137,000 14:24 9:11:00 AM
4194-08 Public Safety Building $65,815 $65,815 35:52 9:32:28 AM
4215-19 Ambulance $132,625 $132,625 37:37 9:34:13 AM
4220-16 Fire Department $1,267,744 $1,267,744 45:12 9:41:48 AM
4520-52 Beach Lifeguards $55,445 $55,445 51:12 9:47:48 AM
4194-02 Town Custodian $26,291 $26,291 64:38 10:01:14 AM
4194-06 Public Works Buildings $12,650 no vote 70:50 10:07:26 AM
4312-23 Public Works Personnel $691,151 $691,151 73:37 10:10:13 AM
4312-24 Public Works Operations $481,275 $481,275 79:46 10:16:22 AM
4316-27 Street Lighting $5,150 $5,150 86:04 10:22:40 AM
4323-33 Solid Waste Collection $206,455 $206,455 87:19 10:23:55 AM
4323-34 Solid Waste Disposal $209,735 tabled 92:51 10:29:27 AM
4520-55 Land Management $19,260 no vote 96:04 10:32:40 AM
Fund 12 Beach Cleaning $27,475 $27,475 101:16 10:37:52 AM
4520-50 Recreation Department $253,910 $253,910 128:52 11:05:28 AM
4583-52 Patriotic Purposes $4,815 $6,815 137:05 11:13:41 AM
Fund 9 Recreation Revolving $231,606 $231,606 144:49 11:21:25 AM
Fund 2 Sewer Department $256,841 $256,841 163:28 11:40:04 AM
Lunch break (audio off) 180:36 11:57:12 AM
End break (audio back on) 254:05 1:10:41 PM
4550-58 Library $642,413 $642,413 254:24 1:11:00 PM
4611-53 Conservation $90,000 $90,000 260:18 1:16:54 PM
Non-public:  Acquisition 280:31 1:37:07 AM
End non-public 280:31 2:00:13 PM
4414-39 Mosquito Control $98,500 $86,000 285:06 2:04:48 AM
4590-57 Heritage Commission $5,000 $5,000 294:54 2:14:36 PM
4195-25 Cemetery $103,435 $103,435 305:38 2:25:20 PM
4191-11 Planning Board $136,946 $136,446 306:24 2:26:06 PM
4191-10 Board of Adjustment $13,270 $13,270 307:08 2:26:52 PM
4240-18 Building Inspection $156,909 $156,909 308:52 2:28:34 PM
4140-13 Town Clerk $15,100 $15,100 321:08 2:40:50 PM
4150-14 Tax Collector $258,278 tabled 323:23 2:43:05 PM
Non-public:  Personnel 334:57 2:54:39 PM
End non-public 334:57 3:15:10 PM
4140-03 Elections $4,525 $4,525 335:28 3:15:41 PM
4130-01 Executive Office $220,603 no vote 339:32 3:19:45 PM
4155-20 Assessing $155,528 $155,528 345:07 3:25:20 PM
4150-21 Finance Office $213,790 $213,790 346:09 3:26:22 PM
4153-04 Legal $100,000 $95,000 348:04 3:28:17 PM
4194-07 Town Hall $17,050 $17,050 354:49 3:35:02 PM
4196-12 Insurance $275,781 tabled 355:07 3:35:20 PM
4197-38 Regional Agencies $54,808 $54,808 359:20 3:39:33 PM
4199-26 General Government $67,100 $67,100 362:39 3:42:52 PM
4411-37 Health Officer $5,220 $5,220 369:02 3:49:15 PM
4442-44 Direct Assistance $55,000 $55,000 369:47 3:50:00 PM
4589-54 Historic District $1,000 $1,000 371:32 3:51:45 PM
multiple Debt Service $450,132 $450,132 371:53 3:52:06 PM
Non-public:  Personnel 382:34 4:02:47 PM
  (video ends)