1. 234 Central Road Dan Philbrick,243 Central Rd, rep by Eric Weiner
00:35 – redevelop and improve property (demo skin salon building) ; wet lands issues with parking discussed, etc. Â site walk scheduled
11:09 – Dan Philbrick gives history of property; has purchase and sales agreement with gas station owner ( his father built it in 1953  this building would be stage two of the redevelopment of the property which he claims will improve it
2. Â Lot between 385 and395 Washington Rd: Â 17:30 – owner wants to build a house in are near wetlands – extensive discussion about issues, DES, etc. Â 25:50 – discussion of house designs and problems with it; the representative for the owner was asked to bring a more specific plan to another meeting
3. Â Discussion of miscellaneous properties – 39:50 –
4.  561 South Rd near West Rd- DD Cook proposed subdivision  42:10 – extensive discussion on wetlands and other issues
5.      5 Love Ln- 55:00
6.  32 Appledore Ave.- 56:10
7. pay bills – -1:04:45
8. – correspondence – 1:07:45
9. issue about discretionary easements
1:09:20 - serious concerns raised – can land locked land be made accessible across someone else’s property by legal rulings?
The town assessor says that this is true
It was asserted that this will raise the value of backlands and promote development
This issue was raised in reference the James Philbrick discretionary easement
10.  promoting  monarch butterfly habitats – 1:15:00