Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL BOS Meeting notes September 22, 2014

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes092214revBfinal

  1. The Selectmen adopted the new Town flag, with a design process led by Michael Mittelman under the auspices of the Rye Historical Society.  More Detail
  2. Results of Climate Change Workshops were presented.  Maps modeling sea level rise of 1.7 to 6.3 feet, with and without 100 year storm surge, will be constructed.  More Detail
  3.  Results of bacterial contamination studies in the Parsons Creek watershed are presented.  Selectman Musselman argues that a “smoking gun†has been found and that many properties may be unsuitable for septic systems, necessitating community leach fields or a sewer system to serve the Watershed. More Detail
  4. ZBA and Planning Board fees may be increased to pay for notices in the Herald and lawn signs for residents seeking variances.  More Detail
  5. Based on bids received, the Wallis Road Box Culvert project will exceed the $150,000 voted by the Town by $20,000 unless the installation cost can be reduced.  More Detail
  6. Selectmen admit to right-to-know law violation in connection with Town Hall Committee Working Group meeting during which structural repair options for the existing Town Hall, costing up to $144,000, were discussed.  More Detail