File for Civic News: Â RyeBOSrclNotes092214revBfinal
- The Selectmen adopted the new Town flag, with a design process led by Michael Mittelman under the auspices of the Rye Historical Society. More Detail
- Results of Climate Change Workshops were presented. Maps modeling sea level rise of 1.7 to 6.3 feet, with and without 100 year storm surge, will be constructed. More Detail
-  Results of bacterial contamination studies in the Parsons Creek watershed are presented. Selectman Musselman argues that a “smoking gun†has been found and that many properties may be unsuitable for septic systems, necessitating community leach fields or a sewer system to serve the Watershed. More Detail
- ZBA and Planning Board fees may be increased to pay for notices in the Herald and lawn signs for residents seeking variances. More Detail
- Based on bids received, the Wallis Road Box Culvert project will exceed the $150,000 voted by the Town by $20,000 unless the installation cost can be reduced. More Detail
- Selectmen admit to right-to-know law violation in connection with Town Hall Committee Working Group meeting during which structural repair options for the existing Town Hall, costing up to $144,000, were discussed. More Detail