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Town Memorial Day Celegration 2015

2015 Rye Memorial Day Ceremony and Parade

On Monday, May 25, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. the Town of Rye will conduct a Memorial Day Ceremony at Central Cemetery.  The Ceremony will begin with a parade from the Veterans Monument ending on the green at Central Cemetery.  Participating in the parade will be New Hampshire Police Association Pipes and Drums, the Rye Police and Fire Departments, Veterans, Girl and Boy Scouts, horses and vintage fire trucks.

The Guest Speaker is Veteran Michael Coutu.  Music will be provided by Karrie Burnett and Rye Junior High Students will do Taps with Eco and sing the National Anthem.  Awards will be presented to the winners of the Poster and Writing Contests from the Rye Elementary and Rye Junior High.  The winning posters will be available for viewing and the winning poems and essays will be read.  Rye Clergy will say the Invocation and the Benediction.  Immediately after the ceremony, refreshments will be provided by the Rye Heritage Commission.

The Town of Rye has lost Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Merchant Seamen in armed conflicts, including 38 lost in the American Revolution.  The Town also remembers on this occasion those Firemen and Police Officers who were lost in the line of duty.  In view of the ongoing War on Terrorism, all residents are encouraged to attend the Memorial Day Ceremony.

All veterans are invited to march in the parade. You do not have to be a member of a veteran organization to participate.  Those with physical limitations may sit among fellow veterans during the ceremony.

For more information, contact Lee Arthur at 964-6281.