File for Civic News: Â RyeBOSrclNotes041315revBfinal
- Summer Sessions beach permit tabled for two weeks after e-mail from resident expresses concern about possible activities last year beyond the scope of the permit. More Detail
- Public Safety Building Energy audit reveals shortcomings in the construction and configuration leading to energy waste. More Detail
- Winter-related costs will be $45,000 to $60,000 above budget. It appears that, rather than reducing the paving budget to compensate, other surplus areas will be reallocated to address the shortfall, rather than returned to taxpayers as in past years. More Detail
- Recycling Center sticker implementation is proceeding. These will be free to Rye residents, but may be offered to North Hampton residents for a fee. More Detail
- The Selectmen question whether filling a Fire Department position is needed as it would place a third person on one of four shifts. Further study is needed. More Detail
- The charge for a new Town Hall Committee was approved. Renovation of the existing Town Hall, demolition and construction of a new building, and construction of a new building on another site will be considered, as well as any other options identified. More Detail