
RCL 2016 Deliberative Town & School Meeting Information

RCL Pre-deliberative presentation:  Click Here
Town Deliberative Meeting Minutes:  Click Here
Note:  School Deliberative is at the bottom.
The RCL video taped this meeting.  Here are the time stamps and the details from the RCL notes of the meeting.  Estimating around 100 people attended.  Most left before the end as it went to 5pm.  A very small number of people are dictating what is on the ballot.  The below 50 years old demographic is barely represented at this meeting.   If you weren’t there, why not?  What would it take for you to participate?  If you were there, what worked well, what didn’t?
The Town minutes cannot be indexed, but we will add this link when they are available.
Part 1 Articles 1 to 10  Click Here for Video    Meeting Notes:   DelibSess013016partOneRevisedFinalRevC
0:00 elapsed:   Introduction
8:11 elapsed:     Introduction of candidates for Town and School offices
10:49 elapsed:  Rules
17:36 elapsed:   Article 4:  541 Washington acquisition ($460,000)  More Details
56:28 elapsed:   Article 5:  Ambulance ($275,000)  More Details
74:44 elapsed:   Article 4 reopened after vote to continue discussions Was amended to add clarifications  Click Here
124:47 elapsed:  Article 6:  New 6-wheel dump truck ($175,000)  More Detail
129:33 elapsed:  Article 7:  Red Mill Ln. culvert(s) ($150,000)  More Detail
135:48 elapsed:  Article 8:  Rescission of 2011 bond authorization  More Detail
137:35 elapsed:  Article 9:  Fire truck reserve ($100,000)  More Detail
144:55 elapsed:  Article 10:  Highway Equipment Capital Reserve ($75,000)  More Detail
Part 2 Articles 11 to 16  Click Here for Video  Meeting Notes:  DelibSess013016partTwoRevBfinal
1:45 elapsed:      Article 11:  Town Hall study ($60,000)  More Detail
111:05 elapsed:  Article 20:  Seacoast Pathways ($1,500)  More Detail
116:41 elapsed:   Article 12:  Library HVAC fund ($60,000)  More Detail
120:00 elapsed:  Article 13:  Employee leave fund ($50,000)  More Detail
121:51 elapsed:   Article 14:  Mun. Buildings Maint. Fund ($25,000)  More Detail
123:27 elapsed:   Article 15:  Library Buildings Maint. Fund ($5,000)  More Detail
126:05 elapsed:   Article 16:  Operating budget ($9,104,794)  More Detail
Part 3 Articles 17 to 26  Click Here for Video   Meeting Notes:  DelibSess013016partThreeRevBfinal
1:50 elapsed:     Article 24:  Require Town Meeting approval of real estate transactions.  More Detail
33:05 elapsed:  Article 17:  Contractor permits for use of Town Dump.  More Detail
46:33 elapsed:  Article 18:  Septic pump out regulation adoption.  More Detail
56:13 elapsed:  Article 25:  Transfer Station electioneering zone.  More Detail
68:37 elapsed:  Article 19:  No parking at certain driveways and crosswalks.  More Detail
70:42 elapsed:  Article 21:  Parking kiosks to be presented on 2017 warrant.  More Detail
94:28 elapsed:  Article 22:  Restrict Town Hall options to those saving the building.  More Detail
119:50 elapsed:  Article 23:  Limit Town Hall space need.  More Detail
148:17 elapsed:  Article 26:  Authorize Selectmen to sell surplus equipment  More Detail
148:58 elapsed:  Article 21  Other Business    More Detail
School Deliberative meeting  Click Here for Video    Meeting Notes:  DelibSessSchool020316revBfinal
School Deliberative Meeting minutes:  Deliberative Session Minutes 2016 Signed
Article 1:  Operating Budget   More Detail   Amendment for Fuel oil discussion failed.  More Detail
Article 2:  Wedgewood Farm expendable trust ($60,000)  More Detail
Article 3:  Heating oil expendable trust ($10,000)  More Detail