June 4th 2014 Meeting of ZBA Rye NH Time stamps below indicate highlights of the meeting members- Chair Jarvis, Clerk Dibble, members Crapo, Weathersbee, Hoyt. 0:08 1st case Toner 1296 Ocean Blvd Map 17.3 lot 65; remove non-conforming Building, build new; side setback 0’ 20’ needed; AC and generator 9.9’ proposed, generator 6.2’ wanted 20’ […]
1. There will be no warrant article for a new collective bargaining agreement with the support workers (RESPA). Negotiations are at an impasse (3:08 elapsed). 2. The Budget Committee approved a $23,764 reduction to their recommended budget, as suggested by the SAU Assistant Business Manager, due to a reduction in the SAU 50 budget (12:54 […]
File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes122214revBfinal 1.   Recycling Education Committee continues to push pay-as-you-throw warrant article. More Detail 2.   Town will look at turning on Portsmouth Public Media TV (channel 98) in Rye. First year cost will be zero, but PPMtv will ask for $5 per household in subsequent years. Selectmen propose a 2016 warrant article after the […]