File for Civic League: Â RyeBOSrclNotes121216revCfinal
- The Selectmen refused to release an opinion of the Town Attorney that, they assert, permits Shawn Crapo (lost in the last election) to continue to serve on the Budget Committee as a representative of the Rye Beach Village District, even though he is not a Commissioner of that District. More Detail
- The plan for the Emergency Planning Zone evacuation was approved, notwithstanding an assertion by Selectman Jenness that it had some aspects of martial law. More Detail
- The design/build proposal for Town Hall was received from Hutter, the sole bidder. The bids were approximately $2.9 million for a renovation and small addition, and approximately $3.1 million for a tear down/rebuild of a very similar building. Additional “soft costs†would need to be borne by the Town. More Detail Full Proposal Click Here
- Cooperation with North Hampton on two issues was discussed. The Fire Chiefs of North Hampton and Rye will be reporting back in the Spring on a plan to share a ladder truck. A traffic and impact report is due in September on the possibility of allowing North Hampton residents to use the Rye Transfer Center for an annual fee. More Detail
- An $80,000 warrant article to advance the Recreation Community Center was approved. More Detail