File for Civic news: Â RyeBOSrclNotes112816revBfinal
- The total of major CIP Plan projects is now $12,397,000 after Recreation and culvert projects were added. More Detail
- The Parsons Creek Watershed Restoration Committee presented its final report. A mandatory septic system inspection may be proposed at the 2018 Town Meeting. Under the new pump out ordinance approved by voters in March, only about a third of Parsons Creek Watershed property owners have provided their last septic tank pump out information as required, and at least five previously unknown (to the Town) holding tanks have been identified. More Detail
- Town Hall design/build bids are due December 8. Written comments from former Town Hall Committee members will be due by December 22. It appears that a warrant article for construction will likely be proposed for next year’s Town Meeting. More Detail
- The Police Chief’s proposed amendment to the Beach Ordinance, to be presented at the 2017 Town Meeting, to require dogs on the beach to be leashed during the summer months was approved. The Selectmen made a change to permit unleashed dogs, at times when dogs are presently allowed on town beaches, on Foss Beach.   More Detail
- Over $1 million in warrant articles and capital outlay items was approved. Funding of capital reserves of $255,000 was approved, plus another $325,000 for capital expenditure warrant articles and $427,500 for Capital Outlay items in the budget that will not be separate warrant articles. More Detail