Rye Conservation Commission
Thursday, June 15, 2017 7:00 p.m.
Rye Town Hall
Agenda: http://www.town.rye.nh.us/pages/RyeNH_ConsComAgenda/2017/06-15-17 Agenda.pdf
Minutes: Official meeting minutes not available 7/2.
No wetlands applications this meeting.
3:30 elapsed Discussion with Sarah ? owner Dragon Mosquito Control, returning as town control contractor, on their work and monitoring for disease bearing EEE and West Nile mosquitos. They do not manage salt marsh but do have to treat. Rye does not do road spraying (stopped 6-7 years ago). Most Rye mosquitos are from the salt marshes, are day biting and aggressive. Rye has 600 catch basins which can be an area for West Nile mosquitos.
52:40 Q&A with UNH Cooperative Forest Extension which is mapping town owned forests and conservation lands state wide greater than 10 acres on the GRANIT state wide GIS system for: location, management, how acquired, who else may have easements, etc.
1:12:00 Discussion of letter from Dave Clark, builder for 20 Huntervale Ave. Property was denied access to conservation land aftera  June 1st site walk. Minutes: http://www.town.rye.nh.us/pages/RyeNH_ConsComMin/2017/06-01-17%20Minutes%20-%20Site%20Walk.pdf
Proposal was to excavate and pour concrete for a garage which was going to be within 3 feet of conservation land, the ZBA having granted a variance to build in the setback. Part of lot’s driveway was also on conservation land and was requested to be removed. Basement water and lawn debris from adjacent properties was observed being put on the conservation land on prior visits.
1:26:20 Brief discussion of Capital Investment Program and timing of any new conservation bond. Consensus was to plan for proposing a new bond in the CIP for a 2018 warrant article.