RCL meeting notes:
Present:Â Committee Chair Pat Losik, member Jeffrey Quinn, member Steve Carter, Planning and Zoning Administrator, Kim Reed, Aquarion Water Company, general manager, Carl McMorran and foreman, Glen Eaton.
Other presents:Â Priscilla Jenness, Fran Hyde, Peter Crawford, Samuel Winebaum and Dominique Winebaum
1) Carl McMorran, Aquarion general manager, led the site walk. Well 5A was first installed in 1937 (and recently re-drilled near its original location). Caustic soda is added to adjust the PH and chlorine for disinfection. They may be adding phosphate next year. They are controlling erosion with a bit of chemistry.
2) Glen Eaton stated that pressure in the valves could be impacted by high demand. The pressure is on average 70 – 75 per pound.
3) Carl McMorran stated in case of a fire, the fire pump will kick on at the booster station to bring back to the pressure to normal levels.
4) Chair Pat Losik asked about the review process regarding new development in the Wellhead Protection area. Carl McMorran explained that there is a process in place in Hampton but not in Rye. In Hampton, Aquarion will specifically require the following: no fuel storage tanks, a ban of lawn fertilizers, and no road salt in a subdivision close to the wells.
5) Per question of Chair Pat Losik, Carl McMorran explained that every three years, Aquarion sends flyers to residents in the Aquifer Protection District to educate them in regards to Best Practice Managements. A report (210 pages long) is sent to the Town of Rye (Town Administrator, Mike Magnant).
6) In the past few years, three new homes have been built within the 400 ft protective sanitary radius (one home is entirely in the protective sanitary radius). Discussion regarding the number of homes (approximately 15-16) located in the protective sanitary radius with some of the homes not hooked to the sewer system serving Jenness Beach and Rye Beach.
7) Chair Pat Losik asked if they could obtain a map showing the extent of the radius of the Aquifer as defined by Geosphere via Aquarion. Carl McMorran replied in the affirmative.
8) Members of the public brought up the need to regulate septic systems in the 400 ft sanitary protective radius, as it should technically be left in a “natural state.â€
9) Carl McMorran stated that the closer people live from Well 5A, the higher the chance they are getting their water from the facility. The farther South people live from Well 5A, the more likely the water will be coming from other wells. At any point in time, it could be a mix of anything.