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Rye Farm (561 South Rd) Site Walk RCL Notes
RCL Notes:Â RyePlngBoardNotes091514siteWalkRyeFarmRevCfinal 1. Â Rye Water District representatives showed the wellheads located 1000 feet away, but developer Don Cook asserts that, in the absence of a Retirement Community Development (RCD) (which might be applied for later) the distance would be twice that. 2. Â The subdivision would consist of five lots, one with an existing house. Â The […]
RCL November 27, 2017 BOS notes
File for Civic News:Â Â RyeBOSrclNotes112717revBfinal Consideration of the Library budget was tabled for the third time, pending further investigation of the figures by the Library Director and the Town Finance Director, thus wasting the time of three Library Trustees who were present, as well as the Library Director, all of whom had come to discuss the […]
ZBA April 3, 2014 RCL Notes
NOTES OF APRIL 2, 2014 RYE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING Final Revision A – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present from ZBA: Ray Jarvis, Paul Goldman, Patty Weathersby, Burt Dibble, Alternate Charles Hoyt. 6:59 Pledge of Allegiance 7:00 Goldman nominates Jarvis as Chairman. Motion passes no dissent. Jarvis nominates Goldman as Vice-Chairman. Motion […]