
RWD Article Public Hearing March 19, 2015

For the Civic News: RyeWaterDistSB2hearing031215revCrevisedFinal   Resident points to research that he did on SB2, indicating that, once towns become larger and less cohesive, factions and groups form, and traditional town meetings become less effective.  More Detail Another resident points out the planned $5.5 million water treatment plant in 2017 and expresses concern that such a […]


Article 9 Add a new police officer

From Chief Walsh:  The purpose of this summary is to inform Rye residents of the types of crimes and quality of life complaints the police department has investigated over the last nine years. Because of the type of activity Rye has had through those nine years, I am recommending an additional officer in 2015. I […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings uncategorized

RCL BOS October 27, 2014 Notes

RCL File for Civic News: RyeBOSrclNotes102714revBfinal Treasurer Leon Blaisdell passed away.  Jane Ireland was appointed Treasurer through the 2015 election. More Detail Health insurance rates will be down significantly next year, allowing significant budget reductions. More Detail The town-owned Parsonage Apartments needs a new roof and other improvements.  The management firm, the Housing Partnership suggested that […]


Rye Climate Change August 27, 2014 Notes and Documents

Overview Document:  Rye, County and State Climate Change Initiatives Overview 21 Actions for an Individual:   Climate Change 21 Things You Can Do 28 Actions for a Municipality:  Climate Change 28 actions for Municipalities Overview of Vulnerability Assessment:   Vulnerability Assessment Overview Risk Assessment:  Tides and Storms Risk Assessments NH Climate Change Past & Future:   NH Climate […]


RCL Notes of March 20, 2014 Conservation Meeting

HTML Version for Civic News:      RyeConservCmmn032014revBfinal NOTES OF MARCH 20, 2014 RYE CONSERVATION COMMISSION MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present from the Conservation Commission:  Jim Raynes, Jaci Grote, Mike Garvan, Sally King (arrived late), Jeff Gardner Also present:  Dyana Ledger, transcriptionist             Present from public:  Selectman Joe Mills […]


RCL Notes March 20, 2014 BOS meeting on Conservation Bond

NOTES OF MARCH 20, 2014 SPECIAL RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League              Present:  Selectmen Jenness and Mills.  Not present:  Selectman Craig Musselman.  Also present:  Michael Magnant, Sally King, Jaci Grote (the last two, of the Conservation Commission).  Present, but not returning after consultation with counsel:  […]


RCL Voter Education Information

Helpful information Sheet to print and bring on voting day:   Rye 2014 Voting Sheet Warrant Article Yes/No Table and links to more detail: 2014 Warrant Article Table for Civic News Budget Analysis:  RCL 2014 Budget Analysis pre- Town Meeting 29 Jan 14 Warrant Article Discussion:  RCL 2014 Warrant Articles Pre-Delib. 30 Jan 14 Elected Positions […]