Budget Committee Town Meetings

RCL Notes of January 11, 2018 Town Budget Public Hearing

1.  The motion requesting that the SAU 50 office explain the $75,464 increase in the teacher retirement budget between 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 carried unanimously (3:05 elapsed).
2.  Changes to the town operating budget were made to accommodate painting of the Town Hall, installation of a retaining wall and an historic review (22:40 elapsed).
3.  The second Red Mill Ln. culvert for $250,000 was recommended by a 10-1 vote (36:13 elapsed).
4.  No change was made to the Library budget recommendation of $655,289 notwithstanding a Board of Selectmen recommendation approximately $6000 lower.  The motion to amend the recommendation to $651,047 failed 6-5 (49:34 elapsed).
5.  The TD Bank acquisition warrant article for $624,800 was recommended 7-4 (44:02 elapsed).
6.  The committee voted 10-1 not to recommend the article that would expand the purpose of the Fire Truck Capital Reserve Fund to encompass ambulances as well, and add $100,000 to the fund, as the article would also allow the Selectmen to expend funds from the reserve without voter approval (75:53 elapsed).
7.  The committee voted 6-5 not to recommend the $3,048,077 petitioned bond article to tear down and rebuild Town Hall (98:42 elapsed).
8.  The committee voted unanimously not to recommend the $60,000 petitioned warrant article that would have made Dow Ln. a dead end street (195:50 elapsed)
9.  The committee voted 7-3 not to recommend the $6000 article to provide for a visioning session for Town Hall (208:53 elapsed)