The Heritage Commission met on April 3, 2014. The meeting was a work session to review the Rules of Procedure proposed by the Board of Selectmen. Changes discussed included the use of alcohol in any public building and the use of alcohol at any board meeting of a town Committee or Commission. The members were split on whether such a policy would impact negatively on the ability to use the “great hall†meeting room in the Town Hall for weddings, shows and other community events. The Commission decided it was premature to take a position on the issue at this time. The Commission agreed with the other changes being considered by the Board of Selectmen. No elections of officers could be held because the Board of Selectman at their March 28th meeting postponed making appointments to the Commission because of the absence of Priscilla Jenness who also is the Select Board’s representative on the Heritage Commission.
The Heritage Commission met on May 1, 2014. Officers were elected: Chair Mae Bradshaw, Vice Chair Rich Davis, Clerk Sara Hall, and Treasurer Jane Holway. Rich Davis has prepared a press release for the Adopt a Graveyard project which requires notice to the descendants of those buried in the over 60 graveyards in the Town of Rye. Members of the Conservation Committee met with the Heritage Commission to request a grant for their summer educational project for sixth grade children to learn about and plant strawberries and other crops at the Goss Farm. A grant was awarded in the amount of $1,200.00 which had been received from Save Rye Harbor but dedicated by the Heritage Commission to seed a program at the farm. The Heritage Commission authorized Mae Bradshaw to explore potential grants for the windows in the Town Hall as well as an educational and public awareness project concerning the restoration of the Town Hall which has been requested by the Town Hall Committee.