Planning Board Town Meetings

RCL Planning Board – August 28, 2014 Rules and Regulations notes

Members present: Keriann Roman, Chair of the Rules and Regulations and Bill Epperson, Chair of the Planning Board, member Ray Tweedie was absent. Also present, Planning and Zoning Administrator, Kim Reed.
Chair Keriann Roman acknowledged receipt of documents sent by Sam Winebaum (same documents which were sent to the board in 2013 and earlier in 2014), however, the board will proceed in dealing with the issues before them in chronological order.  She mentioned impervious surface and is planning to address this issue.
Bill Epperson talked about his assignment, which is to track all the prohibited uses inside the Zoning Ordinance. Discussion regarding the term “prohibited†and how it should be enforced.  Specifically, in terms of “prohibiting†sceptic systems in the wetland buffer; should there be exceptions and under what terms?
Keriann Roman talked about her assignment, which is to review the Aquifer Protection Zoning Ordinance stating that she practically rewrote it prior to her maternity leave.  She is planning a workshop with Dana Truslow who initially worked with her on rewriting it.
Kim Reed’s assignment is to work on outdoor lighting.  In the meantime, Keriann Roman has drafted some early edits on outdoor lighting.

Members in the audience were allowed to provide feedback in regards to impervious surface: definition and coverage; lighting, and septic systems.   A suggestion was made by a member of the public to revisit amending the Zoning Ordinance regarding how to calculate coverage for lots with wetlands.

Bill Epperson read a memo regarding planning for a future update of the 2013 Master Plan.  Click Here to see memo