Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL Notes of August 22, 2016 BOS Meeting

File for Civic News: RyeBOSrclNotes082216revBfinal

  1. The abatement for the Sea Glass Lane properties was granted.  Refunds will be pro-rated based on the portion of a year each owner owned each unit. More Detail
  2. No decision was made on the paving of Shoals View, which is estimated to cost $125,000.  The town will look into what it would take to confirm that this is indeed a Town road.  A warrant article may be submitted, or the traffic pattern changed to reduce dust on the road.  More Detail
  3. The Selectmen rejected a plan for the Public Works facility as being much too expensive.  More Detail
  4. No decision was reached on retaining the existing ambulance as a spare once the new ambulance is received, pending further discussions with North Hampton on fire department consolidation. More Detail
  5. No alternate will be appointed to the Planning Board to replace Selectman Jenness, who will be recusing herself from considering a 21 lot subdivision on South Rd. involving her property.  More Detail
  6. The Parsonage Committee will be informed that it should follow its existing charge, and not look into other possibilities for low income senior housing in the event that the Parsonage Apartments are used for something else.  More Detail